Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life IS a Choice

A woman who had her first child as a teenager is being lauded as a champion for women, "giving voice to thousands of Texans." I am saddened and so disheartened that, though I do not know the entire history of this story (and I freely admit that), I do know enough to find this ironic. She "chose" to keep her baby, raise her in a trailer park (and be proud of her "working poor" background, as she should be) and then claim to be a voice for thousands of Texans?! Who is the voice for the babies being murdered because they are inconvenient, not chosen, unaffordable or too difficult? 

As I expressed in my first blog entry, this medium for me is not for others. It is for me and maybe my children one day. It is a way to release to the cosmos those things I cannot keep inside. I feel so strongly about this that it would be wrong of me to keep silent. 

As a Texan today, I am ashamed of what we think is "good," "right," and "strong." How can people post on Facebook that "as a Christian, I do not believe in abortion, but as a woman, I believe in the right to choose what happens to my body?" You cannot separate being a Christian and being a woman, just as you cannot separate being a man and being married, or being a man and being gay, or being a woman and being a mother. 

What happened to our sense of basic responsibility? You choose to behave a certain way, there are consequences. Always--whether or not the decision was a good, bad or indifferent one. That's a law of nature. Why is it permissible now to do what feels good, what you want to, what makes YOU happy or safe or popular or brave? Why don't others matter, the ones affected by your choices?

As a quote from one of the articles:

"[She] read testimony from women and doctors who would be impacted by the changes, but who were denied the opportunity to speak in a Republican-controlled committee. During one heart-wrenching story describing a woman's difficult pregnancy, [she] choked up several times and wiped tears.

The bill would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and force many clinics that perform the procedure to upgrade their facilities and be classified as ambulatory surgical centers. Also, doctors would be required to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles – a tall order in rural communities."

I am not arguing against health care for women. Clearly. I am a woman. :) I want health care, and I want it to be good. I like feeling confident in my care and wish every woman (and man and child, for that matter) experienced the same care as I do. However, I believe the issues are separate. You cannot catch your abortion as health care. It is not. It is murder. When you choose to participate in an act that could (by miracle of miracles!) result in a human life, that was your choice. You chose life, do you not see that? And then to deny that baby a chance to live outside the womb is not caring for your health. It's caring for everything BUT your health. 

Drawn from several sources, these are some of the facts regarding abortion. The most shocking of all is that most women (72%) who have abortions are already mothers. The following is just a sample list. . .

Over 48 million people have been killed through abortion in the United States since the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Abortion worldwide kills more people every 2 months than the Holocaust did in 12 years.

Almost 1 out of every 4 Americans babies are aborted.
Abortion is inherently unsafe to the mother.

Physical problems from abortion can include hemorrhage, infection, sterility and even death.

Psychological effects can include depression and mental trauma to divorce and suicide.

The psychological effects of an abortion are so well documented, that psychologists have grouped them under one name: post-abortion syndrome (PAS). 

Women may experience symptoms of PAS right after the abortion, but oftentimes PAS does not manifest itself until many months or years after the abortion.

Symptoms of PAS are: recurrent memories, dreams of the abortion experience, avoidance of emotional attachment, relationship problems, sleep disturbance, guilt, memory impairment, hostile outbursts, and substance abuse.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

30 Weeks

Well, here we go. I feel like we're on the last lap (or maybe the last few laps?). Knowing I won't go a full 40 weeks of pregnancy, it seems like #30 week is a milestone (at least I'm seeing it that way!). 

40 weeks. Day I went into labor with Ellie.
30 weeks with the twins.

So, we wait and get hot and squished. Poor Ellie has run out of lap room. :) We've finished "nesting," I think--two carseats, two beds, two little bassinets, a double stroller and Amazon Mom for the 3000 diapers (apparently each baby will go through 8-12 a day. A. Day.). Ellie's uniform is bought for the new school year, and I keep checking the school's website for the boys' supply lists. I've pinned some ideas for freezer crockpot meals so my kids and husband don't live off of Papa John's for 2 months (I'm sure they'd be devastated if this happened). We have pacifiers, burp cloths, onesies, cute little white hangers and lots of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. That should do it, right? 

It's what I keep telling Steve--I just don't know what I don't know. We still need to find a babysitter to help me, and I don't know how exactly the three "big" kids are getting to and from school. I'm not really sure how the three carseats will work in the car--I guess straight across the middle and the boys will just have to get in through the back hatch door of the suburban? Nick thinks we should just buy a church van. Maybe get our own logo and theme song. Oh, and the second dog is due to arrive sometime in early October. 

We are abundantly blessed, no? I knew my 33rd age would be great, I just didn't know it would be this great. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

For my Children

My sweet children,

Sometimes I speak too quickly. Or too loudly. Or not well enough. Often I mean to express things but don't know how or am not brave enough to. I want you to read this when the sky seems too gray, the days too long or you've forgotten how much you are wanted and loved and cherished.

Lead the life you were born to live.

Dream while you're awake. You cannot live without dreams.

You are a human being, not a human doing. Be great. Be marvelous. Be your best.

You know all the things that make you happy. Focus on these things. Don't get caught in the busy-ness trap where you think you are pursuing happiness. You're not. 

There is a difference between surviving and thriving. Thrive! If you simply survive, you are no different than the simplest of God's creatures.

Do not allow our culture's crisis of commitment disable your life's purpose. If you're going to say it, do it, promise it, want it, believe it--then dedicate yourself to it and complete it. 

You are beautiful. Beautiful. Your eyelashes are perfect. You matter. You come from God and to Him you are going. Do what is right. Be what is good.

Be the best version of yourself. Because we are our habits, make it a habit to be the best You everyday. Not the ideal parent or friend or spouse or employee. Just the best You.

Find a companion. Know that this choice is your most important. Find someone who cherishes you, wants to watch you sleep, challenges you, shares your joy, anticipates your pain and comforts you when you are sad.

Follow your dreams. Your dreams are real. They are real. (Write this down and read it everyday!) A comfort zone is an illusion.

Dedicate yourself to things that deserve your dedication. That is all.

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Living with regret over things said or done is tolerable. Regret for things never said or done is heartbreaking.

Nothing will influence you more than your friends. Choose them well, for you will become like them.

Waste time with those you love. Don't box them into a schedule. Real relationships don't fit into time.

Be quiet and still. Learn to seek out these moments. They will feed your sweet soul.

Find your genius, your passion and live it.

Always works towards a clear conscience. There is great joy in knowing you did the right thing for the right reason.

Be a good decision maker. Be guided by your life's purpose and make your own choices.

Know that I love you. With a depth you do not understand but a brokenness you do. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You. Carry this worth with you always and remember you are a child of God and a creature of Heaven.  

(Some of these ideas were influenced by Matthew Kelly's The Rhythm of Life.)